Fire Damage Photo Gallery
SERVPRO Sees Dirt That The Naked Eye Cannot
During a fire loss we have to go through every nook and cranny in a home and clean what may not seem effected to the naked eye. However, SERVPRO knows that the aftermath and odors from a fire loss can linger on for years if not taken care of properly in the first place.
Contents Inventory
We assign a member of our crew to package items to be sent to our shop so we can clean them thoroughly. We then take pictures of every item we clean so we can mark it onto our detailed inventory list.
Proper Documentation Is Key!
Its is extremely important to constantly monitor any changes we make to a home as we go. Our specialized monitoring instruments tell us how much we still need to dry out a room and we make sure those variables are documented throughout the process.
Smoke Webs
During a fire the homeowner might notice small black web-like strings that have made there way into the corners of the home. These are called smoke webs and they occur when soot binds together and becomes airborne. Smoke webs can occur anywhere within the effected home, even if the fire was small and in the opposite part of the home.

SERVPRO Training House
Each franchise owner is required to visit the SERVPRO training house prior to starting their business. The training house is inside SERVPRO corporate and as used as an exercise to help first time franchise owners get an example of what they will be dealing with in the field. A trashcan is set in the middle of the fully furnished home and a fire is set inside the trashcan. The fire smolders for three days before trainees arrive therefore the entire house developed severe smoke damage. Franchise owners must clean the house and its contents to be able to continue.
Inside The Training House
This is what the SERVPRO training house should look like after trainees have cleaned it top to bottom. As you can see it is completely furnished. The carpet gets completely replaced only about 3 times a year, which isn't too bad since this house is set on fire multiple times that year as well!